Monday, July 25, 2011

Magnitude 5.9 Hits Philippines

Just recently a magnitude 5.9 earthquake was registered in Luzon. The epicenter was believed to be in Olongapo and was being felt through the neighboring towns of Cabanatuan stretching through Metro Manila. For more details please refer to the following sites.

Always prepare ourselves for this kind of situation.

Identify Safe Places Indoors and Outdoors
  • Under sturdy furniture such as a heavy desk or table.
  • Against an inside wall.
  • Away from where glass could shatter around windows, mirrors, pictures, or where heavy bookcases or other heavy furniture could fall over.
  • In the open, away from buildings, trees, telephone and electrical lines, overpasses, or elevated expressways.
 Educate Yourself and Family Members
  • Contact your local emergency management office or American Red Cross chapter for more information on earthquakes. Also read the "How-To Series" for information on how to protect your property from earthquakes.
  • Teach children how and when to call 9-1-1, police, or fire department and which radio station to tune to for emergency information.
  • Teach all family members how and when to turn off gas, electricity, and water.
Details regarding the Earthquake:
Magnitude 5.9 Hits Luzon Philippines

Date/Time: Monday, July 25, 2011 at 17:15:41 UTC
    Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 01:15:41 AM at epicenter
    Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location: 14.970°N, 120.119°E
Depth: 35 km (21.7 miles) set by location program

Distances:24 km (14 miles) NW of Olongapo, Luzon, Philippines
54 km (33 miles) WSW of Angeles, Luzon, Philippines
102 km (63 miles) WNW of MANILA, Philippines
108 km (67 miles) WSW of Cabanatuan, Luzon, Philippines