Monday, July 4, 2011

Snail Cream: New beauty product

Snails are very slow moving creatures and most people find them to be boring. Korean cosmetics companies are now touting snail guts as the new heaven-sent ingredient for skin care. Creams containing large amounts of snail extract have been selling fast in Seoul. The latest beauty trend to hit Korea and it may be the grossest yet.
As snails move they leave behind slime. This slime is like a powerful form of suction for them. This is why they are even able to move upside down. It is a myth that this type of slime is going to make humans ill. Many people worry that snails being in their garden will ruin the foods grown there and make them unfit for consumption but that is all false. Snail extract soothes regenerates and heals skin. Super Aqua Cell Renew Snail Cream contains 70 percent snail extract; the same kind that can be found on menus in French restaurants, are fed red ginseng while being raised in Korea in order to ensure quality slime.
 The snail cream is so sticky she has to slap it onto her face with a spoon.  Korean's desire for good skin outweighs potential icky factors. Adding a K-Pop idol advertisement into the mix helps make the case.
Now it’s the top grosser in the beauty product line in Korea and will soon hit the world market. It is believed that there are at least 200,000 species of mollusks out there including snails. Many of them haven’t been found and classified yet.

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