Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Doing good is doing good.

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions”- Rainer Maria Rilke

I've always been thankful to GOD ever since but one day I asked to myself, what if I don't have job to sustain everything. How could I continue to live my life? I've worked as a Senior Help Desk in one of a good reputation company but as they say am careful of what you wish for; my fear of being jobless had come and was totally devastated. But GOD teaches me those things that I miss in my life. Because I was so busy at my work I forgot about the beauty of the persons around me and how they were important to me and how we are intertwined with each other.
From the simple morning task till the dusk that I have to prepare to lay myself to sleep GOD showed me and teaching me ways to be grateful. It's like am enrolled in a certain crash course, recently a friend of mine named Chel arrived in our house. He was a long lost friend; I've known him for years as well as his family. But he does have a bad reputation before for he was a member of a juvenile youth before. Everything changes as time goes by. He simply changes but some of the bad habits were still there, he came so confused and wanted to have shelter. He told me  that if he could spend days, weeks and months for he don't have anyone to turn to; he don't like to spend times with his relatives because he wanted to be independent. He caught me in bad timing for I was jobless. In spite of my situation I accommodate him just like the Good Samaritan. There GOD shows me great mercy and miracles. I don't have anything on my pocket to sustain the needs in our daily expenses; simply funds were coming in out of nothing. GOD had used other person to extend his blessings. This friend of mine is still skeptic; he did not believe that GOD can do that. Until such time that I earnestly prayed to the LORD that he might find a job.
One day when I woke up my friend was gone, without any farewell words he was gone. Then I received a text messages from my cellophane that its hard to live on my place, probably he was thinking of the times when I do have work and everything is in flourish. And he started to send me bad messages and saying that " by the way I do have a job by tomorrow I'll be starting my new job how about you" there is no anger nor hatred in my heart but instead a word of praise to GOD that he answered my prayer. I was so happy for GOD hears my prayer. It might be a sad thing to know that my friend Chel didn't believed in GOD but for my its another teaching that was being showed on me. Sometimes I asked the LORD, why people are like that and he leads me to this passage from Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

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